Tuesday, December 16, 2003

This weekend was the amazing story of the capture of Saddam Hussein in a spyder hole in Iraq. The man who graced palaces for decades was found hiding in a hole in the ground.

While this story was playing out this weekend, I was reminded of another story that I had heard about. It is the story of Jawad Amir Sayyid, 45, of Karada, a town southeast of Baghdad.

Jawad lived for 21 years in a one meter by one and a half meter hole under his kitchen. He entered the cell on December 2, 1981 and did not once emerge from it until April 10, 2003. The day after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime.

He went into hiding because he feared execution for deserting from Saddam's army and supporting dissident views. He lived in a room with the bare necessities of life. He mother provided water and food through a small hole. He had a miniature toilet for his use.

He kept up with the world events by listening to the BBC Arabic Service. His first hope came in 2001 when he heard George Bush give a speech just after 9/11. Bush said that he would hunt down the terrorists. Sayyid knew then that one day he would get out of his cell.

This is a powerful story and one of stark contrast to that of Saddam. Saddam once lived at the top of the world, while Sayyid lived in a cell. But today, Saddam has fallen and Sayyid is free.

For followers of the Lord Jesus Christ this story is a reminder that evil men fall. They make cause havoc and evil for a season, but they will one day reap the consequences of their actions. While those who patiently endure and who keep their hope will one day stand again. The Bible tells us that all who endure to the end will be saved. As people who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, there will be times of evil and we are called wait on the Lord, trust His mercy and His love.

Always remember that Good always work! The Lord causes all things to work together for good to those who love him and are called according to His purposes. Remember that sometime we have to wait 21 years for the promises to be fulfilled, but the wait is always worthwhile!