Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I just finished reading this book this week. It is a fascinating book on lessons learned from people who live in Sardinian, Okinawa, Loma Linda, California (Seventh Day Adventist), and Costa Rica. Each of these areas have a high number of people who have lived to be 100 years of age.

They studied each group and came up with a list of lifestyle choices that seemed to make life better for these people.

1. Move naturally - be active without thinking

  • Balance is critical as you get older - work on strengthening your balance.
  • Go easy on the knees - you will need them
  • 30 minutes of exercise - five days a week
  • Walk, walk, walk, walk . . .
  • Plant a garden

2. Stop eating when you are 80% full

  • Eat food with low caloric density (fruits and vegetables)
  • Make snacking a hassle
  • Eat slowly

3. Plant Slant

  • Beans, whole grains, & garden vegetables
  • Tofu
  • Eat meat, but very small portions
  • Nuts - each day, but small amounts

4. Purpose Now

  • You need a personal mission statement
  • You need a people to share life with each day
  • Learn something new - never stop using your mind

5. Down Shift - take time to relieve stress

  • Life is short, don't run so fast you miss it
  • Reduce the noise (turn off electronics - TV, radio, IPod, etc.
  • Be 15 minutes early to all events - less stress

6. Belong - Spiritual community

  • People who are faithful to their church are happier and healthier
  • Social network is critical to good life

7. Loved one First

  • Family life is critical to happiness
  • Smaller house makes families closer - large houses people tend to go to their own space
  • Ritual in family - have a consistency to times together

These are the key points that the book makes for life to be long and good.

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